List scripts on your website

If you are a Web Host using Softaculous, you would like to list the ever changing list of Scripts in Softaculous.

Detailed Listing

If you want detailed list of scripts then you just need to install this package :

If PHP is running as a user on your server then you need not to worry about any permission.

If PHP is running as nobody or apache user then generally files require 0644 and folder 0755 permission and scripts.php and updated.txt in the package requires writable i.e. 0777 permission.


Its very simple to do that as Softaculous provides the list of scripts which is updated every now and then. You can access that list from the following URL :

It contains a serialized PHP array of the scripts.

If you would also like to show the Logos on your website you can use the following URL : 
e.g. is the WordPress logo

Sample PHP code

The following Sample Code will show the logos and the Links to the respective demos as well.

define('SOFTACULOUS', 1);

$scripts = file_get_contents('');
$scripts = unserialize($scripts);
foreach($scripts as $sid => $softw){
	echo '<a href="'.str_replace(' ', '_', $softw['name']).'" target="_blank" title="'.$softw['name'].'"><img src="'.$sid.'__logo.gif" alt="" style="margin:15px;" /></a>';


Category Wise Listing

The following Sample Code will show the logos and the Links to the respective demos grouped by Categories.

define('SOFTACULOUS', 1);

$scripts = file_get_contents('');
$scripts = unserialize($scripts);

foreach($scripts as $id => $soft){
		// If its empty we assume its PHP
			$soft['type'] = 'php';
		// PHP Sripts - Backward Compatibility Variable
		if($soft['type'] == 'php'){			
			$catwise[$soft['cat']][$id] = $soft;
		$allcatwise[$soft['type']][$soft['cat']][$id] = $soft;

	foreach($allcatwise['php'] as $cat => $scripts){

	 echo '<div><a href="#" title="'.$cat.'"><img src="'.$cat.'.gif" alt="" /></a></div>';
        foreach($scripts as $sid => $softw){
	     	echo '<a href="'.str_replace(' ', '_', $softw['name']).'" target="_blank" title="'.$softw['name'].'"><img src="'.$sid.'__logo.gif" alt="" style="margin:15px;" /></a>';
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