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 SSL BUGS (0 Replies, Read 18754 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 1394

Open source, web and security passionate
1. BUG is when you add a certificate generated on StartCOM SSL (https://www.startcom.org/) or from here (https://www.sslforfree.com/) once you paste the code into Webuzo or upload the certificate the certificate will be broken in Webuzo ... you see the name as blank space so for fix this issue you need SSH login and go into the ssl folder than you will find the new uploaded or pasted certificate name has special character.
You need to remove the special character and issue is fixed BUT Webuzo Team should fix this old bug.

2. BUG I generated a Self Signed certificate from the Webuzo SSL interface and used as default certificate for Webuzo.
This cause an issue to me because I want the SSL certificate is only available for  the IP:2003 port and not for the IP so if I load https://IP should not support certificate... so I decided to remove the self signed certificate generate and use the default...

Once you remove the generated self signed certificate your IP will be always under SSL and will use other domain certificate. I have a website like domain.ext with a certificate, well now server IP will use that invalid (for the IP) certificate.

I have opened a support ticket and contacted you on Skype for fix now in my server this issue as I have removed the self signed certificate but webuzo is using other website certificate on my server IP.

PeopleInside  :angel:

Web, security, open source passionate.
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