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 Pause or temp disable for the cron, Asking to can stop a cronjob without have to delete it (1 Replies, Read 362830 times)
Group: Guest
Hi,sometimes need to do a maintenance on the server and need pause CronJob because will create issues, email alert, error especially for that kind of CronJob that run every 5 minutes for example for check incoming ticket.
Will be nice can pause the cron for example for 1 hour without have to delete it and re add after the work.
A pause button that let decide how many time pause the CronJob will be a nice feature. Don't know if you can implement... if not maybe an option to disable the cron job without have to delete it.
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Pause or temp disable for the cron
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 16
Keep in mind that the effectiveness of these approaches may depend on the specific requirements of your application and how your CronJob is implemented. Always thoroughly test any changes you make to ensure that they work as expected in your Kubernetes environment. Additionally, it's a good practice to document these procedures for your team so that everyone knows how to handle CronJob pausing during maintenance.
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