News and Announcements (Softaculous) <![CDATA[SitePad 1.8.9 Launched in Stable branch]]>
We have launched SitePad 1.8.9 in the Stable branch.

1) [Added] Added Image Mapping widget.
2) [Added] In the KKART added iKhokha payment gateway in beta version.
3) [Task] Added support for reCAPTCHA V3 in contact form.
4) [Task] Added x-Twitter icons to Font Awesome icons list.
5) [Bug Fix] New site installation in plesk server was not working properly in some cases. This is fixed.

In the next version, we will try to enable caching for improving the website speed and also backup options. Many more features are also in the making for E-Commerce and blogging options.

The SitePad Team
Wed, 25 Dec 2024 13:37:40 GMT
<![CDATA[Softaculous 6.1.2 Launched]]>
1) [Feature] Added WordPress Manager icon in Directadmin user panel for easy access. It can be rebranded or removed by admins. Refer to the guide.

2) [Task] Added SoftWP License management utility in WordPress Manager for users to generate licenses for their existing WordPress sites. Refer to the guide.

3) [Bug Fix] In Softaculous Remote, some auto backups data was not updated in the Softaculous database correctly. This is fixed now.

4) [Bug Fix] Due to recent update in the DirectAdmin API the cron jobs were not deleted when installation was removed. This is fixed now.

We are working on new features for the upcoming version.
Stay Tuned !

The Softaculous Team]]>
Wed, 25 Dec 2024 12:12:02 GMT
<![CDATA[Webuzo 4.4.1 Launched]]> i do not like!]]> Tue, 24 Dec 2024 17:46:19 GMT <![CDATA[Webuzo 4.4.3 Launched]]>

The Webuzo Team has released version 4.4.3 which has some bug fixes.

[Bug-Fix] LetsEncrypt cron for auto renewal and Webuzo emps cron path was changed in recent version. This is fixed.

Launched in Release Candidate : (24-12-2024)
Launched in Stable : (24-12-2024)

Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to

The Webuzo Team]]>
Tue, 24 Dec 2024 14:19:15 GMT
<![CDATA[SoftWP 2.1.7 Launched]]>
SoftWP WordPress Plugin 2.1.7 has been launched.

1) [Bug Fix] There was an issue loading AI in WordPress version 6.5 or lower that has been fixed.

We are working on new features for the upcoming version.
Stay Tuned !

The Softaculous Team]]>
Tue, 17 Dec 2024 13:57:37 GMT
<![CDATA[Webuzo 4.4.2 Launched]]>

The Webuzo Team has released version 4.4.2 which has some bug fixes.

[Bug-Fix] Enduser Applications was not restoring in full backup. This is fixed.

Launched in Release Candidate : (17-12-2024)
Launched in Stable : (19-12-2024)

Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to

The Webuzo Team]]>
Tue, 17 Dec 2024 13:19:31 GMT
<![CDATA[Webuzo 4.4.1 Launched]]>
The Webuzo Team has released version 4.3.7 or 4.3.8 or 4.3.9 or 4.4.0 and 4.4.1 which has Backuply Pro, some other features, improvements and bug fixes.
We recommend all Webuzo users to upgrade to version 4.4.0 since it has major changes regarding backups.

Changelog for version 4.3.7:

[Feature] Backuply Pro added to handle all backup and restore features.

[Feature] Max background process setting added for cPanel / Webuzo import.

[Feature] Added CLI utility for changing ownership of users.
webuzo --change_owner --user=username --owner=ownername (root OR reseller)
[Task] Added setting to not create default email account while adding / creating Webuzo user.

[Task] Added option to disable hard limit of Quota / Inode.
You can find this option in Edit user, plans and Quota modification wizards.

[Task] Added new menu list for suspended email accounts.

[Task] Disabled notices for resellers.

[Task] Added Contact Manager alert for DirectAdmin User Imports.

[Task] Max parked/alias domain error improved.

[Task] Allowed editing of user account even if the user is suspended except changing password.

[Task] Total DB count on Admin Panel will now be redirect to manage database wizard.

[Task] Automatic SSL wizard shifted to SSL/TLS menu.

[Task] Enabled Automatic SSL for reseller.

[Task] Added setting in Resource limit wizard to disable Resource limit for reseller.

[Improvement] In the File Manager, the text editor will now open in a new tab.

[Improvement] Added the option to paste copied or cut files to a specific path in Filemanager.

[Improvement] Sorted Webuzo services names in ascending order.

[Improvement] Added task when Automatic SSL is Installed or Renewed.

[Improvement] Added sorting of email accounts based on storage (Admin/Enduser).

[Improvement] Added validation for weak crt(certificate) algorithm in install certificate wizard.

[Improvement] List view will be a default in filemanager.

[Bug-Fix] When suspended user was imported it was not suspended on destination server. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] Redirect hostname setting was causing issue for Softaculous API. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] Current running processes will not show "top -bcn1 -w512" in processes. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] Webuzo service was not able to auto start when systemctl start webuzo executed manually. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] In the enduser panel, resource utilization was shown of a feature even if that feature was disabled. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] If a user is suspended, the editing of the user resources was not allowed. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] If Hard Limit is disabled the plan was not reapplied. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] The count of Alias domains and Parked domains were not shown when adding a domain. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] MYSQL db restore failed if source has mariadb10.6 in cPanel/Webuzo import. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] Imported SSH keys was not correctly imported, This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] Setting password strength to zero was not working. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] Zip extraction was failed due to non-writable directories in it. This is fixed.

[Bug-Fix] Deleting Onerive backup was not working. This is fixed.

Launched in Release Candidate : (08-11-2024)
Launched in Stable : (02-12-2024)

Changelog for version 4.3.8:

[Bug-fix] When Webuzo was killing processes by port, it was also terminating other processes that were not in the LISTEN state, such as WGET and YUM. This is fixed.

Launched in Release Candidate : (30-12-2024)
Launched in Stable : (02-12-2024)

Changelog for version 4.3.9:

[Task] Updated Backuply.

Changelog for version 4.4.0:

[Task] Updated Backuply.

Changelog for version 4.4.1:

[Task] If Backuply not installed then Webuzo cron will installed it automatically.

Launched in Release Candidate : (03-12-2024)

Launched in Stable : (03-12-2024)

Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to

The Webuzo Team

Wed, 04 Dec 2024 12:38:53 GMT
<![CDATA[FileOrganizer 1.1.5 Launched]]>
We have launched FileOrganizer v1.1.5, this is a minor release
The change logs are as follows :-

1) [Bug-fix] The language file name was not sanitized properly. This is fixed.
Our team is working to improve the plugin, if you have any suggestions or feedback, write to us at

FileOrganizer Team
Tue, 03 Dec 2024 12:14:34 GMT
<![CDATA[Backuply 1.4.1 Launched]]>
[Improvement] The backup logs were overwhelming the browser of some users, we have improved that by just logging the required info which reduces the backup logs and improved how logs were handled in the browser.

We are constantly working on improving Backuply, if you have any suggestions or feedback, write us at

Backuply Team]]>
Fri, 29 Nov 2024 15:39:18 GMT
<![CDATA[Pagelayer 1.9.5 Launched]]>
The Pagelayer team has released version 1.9.5
The following is a list of changes :

1) [Security-Fix] An XSS vulnerability has been fixed. Please upgrade to this version as soon as possible!
2) [Bug-fix] In some cases, customizer was not loaded properly. This is fixed.

We will be launching many more changes in the upcoming version.
We would also like to thank the WordPress community as we have reached 250000+ active Pagelayer users.

The Pagelayer Team
Mon, 25 Nov 2024 14:10:01 GMT