News and Announcements (Softaculous) <![CDATA[SpeedyCache 1.2.4 Launched]]>
The changes made are listed below:-

[Feature] Option to make cache lifespan run at a specific time.

[Improvement] Handling cache for URI of non-ASCII characters.

[Improvement] Deletion of related posts.

[Improvement] Support for WBW Currency Switcher.

[Improvement] Deletion of Cache on saving Menu.

[Improvement] Deletion of cache of all the ancestors of the posts whose cache is being deleted.

[Bug-Fix] There was an issue with expiring cache, which has been fixed.

The SpeedyCache team is working on improving the plugin to help you improve the performance of your WordPress site. If you have any suggestion or feedback do let us know at

SpeedyCache Team]]>
Tue, 15 Oct 2024 13:58:04 GMT
<![CDATA[Backuply 1.3.5 Launched]]>
The change logs are as follows:-

[Security-Fix] A security issue reported by bart [WordFence], has been fixed.

[Improvement] Serialization fix has been improved, it is now at least 100 times faster.

We are constantly working on improving Backuply, if you have any suggestions or feedback, write us at

Backuply Team]]>
Fri, 13 Sep 2024 08:22:40 GMT
<![CDATA[Pagelayer 1.8.9 Launched]]>
The Pagelayer team has released version 1.8.9.
This version has many improvements for the Pagelayer Editor.
The following is a list of changes :

1) [Task] Import templates functionality has been further improved.

We will be launching many more changes in the upcoming version.
We would also like to thank the WordPress community as we have reached 250000+ active Pagelayer users.

The Pagelayer Team
Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:16:55 GMT
<![CDATA[Backuply v1.3.4 Launched]]>
The change logs are as follows:-

[Improvement] Restores are now faster.

[Bug-Fix] There was an issue with the serialization fix, that has been fixed.

[Bug-Fix] On some servers backup requests were getting blocked as WordPress’s default User-Agent added a URL to it which some servers and firewalls flag as suspicious, this has been fixed.

We are constantly working on improving Backuply, if you have any suggestions or feedback, write us at]]>
Mon, 09 Sep 2024 08:25:25 GMT
<![CDATA[SpeedyCache 1.2.2 Launched]]>
The changes made are listed below:-

[Added] Deletion of Cache on comment status change.

[Added] Admin Bar option to delete the cache.

[Added] Cache deletion on WooCommerce order completion.

[Improvement] AutoCache has been improved(is enabled by default if preload is enabled).

[Improvement] Cache Logs have been improved further.

[Bug-Fix] There was an issue with saving Delay JS excludes which has been fixed.

[Bug-Fix] There was an issue with excluding pages, that has been fixed.

[Bug-Fix] In cache lifetime, the Mobile cache was not getting deleted, that has been fixed.

The SpeedyCache team is working on improving the plugin to help you improve the performance of your WordPress site. If you have any suggestions or feedback do let us know at

SpeedyCache Team]]>
Wed, 04 Sep 2024 09:50:42 GMT
<![CDATA[SpeedyCache v1.2.1 Launched]]>
The changes made are listed below:-

[Improvement] Cache purge on post-status change has been improved.

[Bug-Fix] There was an issue with the htaccess rule in case the admin username had a space.

[Bug-Fix] There was an issue in which user was unable to open the SpeedyCache settings page, which has been fixed.

[Bug-Fix] There was an issue with serving mobile-specific cache that has been fixed.

The SpeedyCache team is working on improving the plugin to help you improve the performance of your WordPress site. If you have any suggestions or feedback do let us know at]]>
Tue, 27 Aug 2024 15:36:53 GMT
<![CDATA[SpeedyCache 1.2.0 Launched]]>
[Improvement] The UI has been improved, by reducing some unnecessary options or making them default.

[Improvement] CSS Minification has been improved.

[Improvement] We now use Advanced cache, for better cache load performance.

[Improvement] Cache Preloads have been improved, with fewer options to configure.
This version has some breaking changes.

The SpeedyCache team is working on improving the plugin to help you improve the performance of your WordPress site. If you have any suggestions or feedback do let us know at]]>
Mon, 26 Aug 2024 10:19:02 GMT
<![CDATA[Pagelayer 1.8.8 Launched]]>
The Pagelayer team has released version 1.8.8.
This version has many improvements for the Pagelayer Editor.
The following is a list of changes :

1) [Bug-fix] The Google API key was not sanitized properly. This is fixed.
2) [Bug-fix] There was some PHP warnings. This is fixed.

We will be launching many more changes in the upcoming version.
We would also like to thank the WordPress community as we have reached 250000+ active Pagelayer users.

The Pagelayer Team
Wed, 14 Aug 2024 14:16:19 GMT
<![CDATA[Softaculous 6.0.9 Launched]]> Softaculous Team has launched 6.0.9 in the Stable branch. This version includes several fixes and improvements.

1) [Task] Added Support for S3 Compatible MinIO storage for backups

2) [Bug Fix] Alias Management was not working in AMPPS with due to recent update to use PHP 8.2. This has been fixed.

3) [Bug Fix] Restore Template was not working for some old versions of WordPress. This is fixed now.

4) [Bug Fix] List Templates API did not return expected output. This is fixed now.

5) [Bug Fix] In Plesk, in some rare cases incorrect database user was deleted while removing installation. This is fixed now.

6) [Bug Fix] When a FTP/FTPS/SFTP backup location was not accessible via hostname the connection requests were made while trying to attempt a backup. This is fixed now and once the connection fails it will not try again.

We are working on new features for the upcoming version.
Stay Tuned !

The Softaculous Team]]>
Tue, 13 Aug 2024 12:53:42 GMT
<![CDATA[Webuzo 4.3.4 Launched]]>

The Webuzo Team has released version 4.3.4 which has some improvements and bug fixes.

1) [Improvements]  Enhanced validations to ensure all user inputs are properly sanitized before being processed.

2) [Bug-fix] OpenLiteSpeed Certificate was not working for wildcard domains. This is fixed.

3) [Bug-fix] Enduser -> Settings change email was not working. This is fixed.

Launched in Release Candidate : (09-08-2024)
Launched in Stable : (09-08-2024)

Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to

The Webuzo Team

Fri, 09 Aug 2024 14:28:46 GMT